Wednesday, August 17, 2011

party pooper

So i threw a baby shower for a really great girl that goes to my church. it was my first baby shower and i thought it went well. most of the docorations i got were from the doller store. that place has so many hidden treasures. i love that place except the shopping carts are way too small. i try to fit both my kids in the cart and it just looks rediculous. anyway, at the shin-dig there were lots of treats to eat and i had spent most of the afternoon while my kids were taking their naps, making them for everyone to enjoy. i kept picking at the food  until i was feeling a little sugar sick and i managed to stop myself and focus on the tasks at hand.

it was 7:30 and the party had begun. everything was going really great, and everyone seemed to be having a great time until almost at the end of the night when suddenly, my stomach started cramping really bad. i tried to just let it pass but it was increasingly getting worse. i was seriously in so much pain that i was physically forced to keel over and put my hands on my knees. what was this pain coming from? it wasn't aunt flow because that had just ended the week prior, and i even thought for a second -omg am i pregnant and don't even know it?- i imagined myself on the tlc show "i didn't know i was pregnant" being one of those girls who are completly un-in tune with their body and have a full blown pregnancy without feeling sick, a kick, or a need to pee all the time...i just don't get all! anyway back to the stomach pains-i soon was sitting on my couch totally moaning and groaning...ladies were trying to be super sweet and comforting and also gave me great tips like "lay down with your butt in the air, and try to fart"...definitely something i had imagined being said before the party begun. i finally just left the party and crawled up my stairs- barely on my own- and laid on my bed. these pains were so intense at this point. then it hit me...all i had eaten that day was sugar and crap! and that is exactly what was causing me so much pain. i sat on the toilet to see if that helped and it didn't at all. and while i was sitting there, one of my friends walked in to bring me water-boy did i feel glamorous. but let me tell know when someone is a good friend when they see you on the toilet and don't even her.

soon my husband was paged and came to my aid with pepto bismol (which tastes like pink glue) and i was able to relax and go to the bathroom and expell the monster that totally ruined my party. in seconds i became a totally new person and i walked downstairs, back to normal again, only to find that my house was all cleaned up and everyone had left. wonderful. just perfect. not really how i had planned this all to end. don't get me wrong, the party was really fun at first, but at the end of the night-it all went down the toilet. literally. you may now consider me a real party pooper.


  1. HAhahahaahaha! Rachel! This is a classic!

  2. Rach!!! Oh no!!! So sorry to hear this - but have to admit love the whole "party pooper" thing. ;) P.s. how do you know what glue tastes like?

    Love you!

  3. Hilarious, Rachel!!! I also enjoyed the live version from you!
