Friday, June 24, 2011


so it's friday. that generally means people are going out, making plans. or it means you can stay up a little later watching countless hours of youtube videos wasting time away...which i know everyone has done at least once...or twice. i remember TGIF was the highlight of my week as a young girl. my brother and sisters had that opening song did it go again? "it's friday night...and the mood is right...going to have some fun, show you how it's done TGIF!" then we would watch shows like "full house" and "perfect strangers" while scarfing down popcorn with zero thought of caloric intake in our minds. those were the good ol' days. then as i got older i took on the task of becoming a babysitter and that job filled up my friday and saturday nights. now let me explain to you...i was probably the worst babysitter on the planet. my main problem was that i didn't really like kids...until i had my own of course. i am the youngest of five so i never had to babysit anyone besides all my stuffed animals. what was even worse, was that mother's were calling me to babysit when i was just 11 years old...ummmmmm that is just crazy. 11? what does one know at 11-besides the theme song to TGIF? it still blows my mind and as a mother of 2...i would never let an 11 year old watch my children unless they were some type of doogie houser. but that is just me. anyway, the talk, or even thought of a babysitter flashes a painful, yet still so vivid memory in my mind.

i was probably 12 years old at the time when my neighbor across the street asked me to babysit her 2 sons. of course i had zero plans (i mean at 12 who does?) and i accepted. i came over and the parents gave me instructions and left, leaving me and myself all alone. the kids had already been put to sleep so i really was just asked to sit in their house and do nothing. i don't remember how most of the night went....probably because it was super boring. however, i do remember how it ended. i was laying on the ground feeling very relaxed and tried to keep myself from falling asleep to avoid looking like the dead when the parents came home. well, lets say i was unsuccessful because as i was dozing off, i was awakened by a booming sound of my own fart! of course i was instantly startled, but even more startled to see the faces of the two parents standing right over me, staring at me looking somewhat mortified and as if i wasn't feeling that way x10 myself.  well let's just say i scrambled out of that house as fast as i could and went home looking for sometype of shovel to dig a hole with and bury myself in. needless to say they never called me back. but so what...i didn't like their kids anyway.


  1. I KNEW you were going to tell this story! I've seriously thought about it a few times randomly. Freaking hilareous! That would have been HORRIDLY embarressing!

  2. I remember this. I can verify that the only thing you liked about babysitting was the cash at the end!

  3. hahahaha Rach that is so funny :) Similar thing happened to me... most embarassing moment of my life... I'll tell you about it someday

  4. LOL Oh I'm gonna LOVE this blog!

  5. Rach, I remember you telling me this story. So funny!!!! I also remember Brook telling us she was babysitting and after the kids fell asleep she made this huge brownie sundae and the parents walked in the door right as she was taking her 1st bite. uhh so embarrassing! I think she quickly dumped it in the trash to try and cover her tracks but it was too late.LOL. So i told my friend that we babysat in Cincinnati at like as early as 10 or 11 yrs old all the time. And he thought it sounded weird, but its so true. All of us did! What were those Cincinnati parents thinking.
