Wednesday, June 29, 2011

in the buck

have you ever had that dream that you went to school naked? i have too. i remember it so vividly because it seemed so freakishly real. i remember trying to hide between two locker doors but my butt was still hanging out and i even felt a draft. why is it that the bad, mortifying dreams are the ones that are the hardest to wake up from and the easiest to slip back into, yet, the good dreams happen in a blink and no matter how hard you stuff your face into your pillow, you cannot for the life of you get back to sleep and once you do, that good dream has long disapeared into the archives of the unreachable and the impossible.
well at least i was able to eventaully wake up from the common "naked at school" nightmare, of course giving a sigh of relief the moment i realize that it didn't actually happen. little did i know, that nightmare would only forshadow the reality i was about to live some time in the near future.


i was living in atlanta one summer and i had just come home from work and i wanted to take a quick rinse in the shower to cool off from the excruciating summer heat. it wasn't long till i heard my husband's voice in the other room, yell something to me but of course, it did not come out clear. "what?" i yelled back, and then i heard his voice repeat the same muffled sentance. Annoyed, i finish my shower quickly, toweled off, brushed my wet hair back and walked out to the main room of our small apartment...reminder i had NOTHING on but maybe a few water drops, not even a sock. "what did you sa-" i began to ask.

standing there, straight ahead, was my husband's friend. he took one glance at me as i stood there, uncovered, in the buck like a deer in the headlights. all i remember is my entire body keeling over, trying to cover whatever i possible could with my naked arms in such short notice. everything in that moment seem to be going in slow-mo. still bent over and horrified, i managed to run backwards into the bedroom while letting out an agonizing "waaaaaaah!"

i heard the front door slam shut, as my husband's friend, startled and somewhat jolted, booked it out of the apartment as fast as he could. no sooner later i heard a big thud on the floor. grabbing my robe, still blinking my eyes rapidly hoping to wake up from this nightmare, i ran back into the  main room only to find my husband on the floor gasping for breath do to his inability to contain his laughter at the

scene he had just witnessed.

what is even worse, what my husband was trying to tell me while i was in the shower was a reminder that we were all going to go out to dinner that night with his friend and his friend's wife. well, looks like that friend was going to get more than just dinner, but a dinner AND a show.



  1. Oh.My.Gosh! I took a sip of water while reading this and spit it out because I was laughing so hard. I love this!

  2. Poor guy....or maybe it was his lucky day! It's all how ya look at it :)

  3. This is still one of the best stories I've ever heard...Especially when I get to see your reaction in person!
